The basic definition of the UN-Brundtland Commission for Sustainability is: "Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." This definition emphasises a long-term perspective, the recognition of the needs of others and the responsible use of resources and can serve as a clear guideline. In business, it is necessary and right to strive for sustainability in the sense of a business model that is geared towards the long term. A model is needed that is self-sustaining and considers the requirements of all those affected by the businesses activities, whether this is the community in which the business operates or the employees, suppliers and customers, to name just the most important. Solid success today requires a company to have a strategy that incorporates all these different aspects.
Today's corporate leaders are increasingly aware of the need to consider social, community and environmental aspects of their business. All too often today, this leads to knee-jerk reactions such as greenwashing one's own influences or producing standardised reports. This is not only counterproductive, but increasingly risky, as many recent examples show. Those who view social responsibility and sustainability as a minor matter and an unloved additional activity overlook the opportunities that arise when markets are viewed from these new perspectives. Sustainability is not an area for specialists to avert risks from the company. Only those entrepreneurs who recognise these new strategic opportunities will be able to lead their company into a profitable future. Prosolvo can help on this path through decades of experience and an extensive network of experts.